What is the difference between language learning and language acquisition? How will that difference profoundly affect my students? The answer to these questions are explored and demonstrated with practical examples from material often used in the classroom – at all age levels – with templates, links and other resources for you to use to create amore effective language learning environment.
Once you have a strong platform for learning, your PhBl projects will much more fluid and effective. See how your planning finds shape and form, and you remember the excitement you once felt in planning come back like a storm – and how engaged your students become with these simple techniques.
- Introduction
- Influence of the military on the educational system used still today
- Questioning our teaching methods
- Methodologies in the language class
- Skills we develop biologically vs. through interaction in a society
- How emotions affect language learning
- How age affects language learning
- Methodologies to change from language learning to language acquisition
- Phenomenon-Based Learning projects supporting language acquisition
- Scaffolds as the starting point to PhBL projects
- Using scaffolding as the introduction to a paradigm shift in methodology
- Case Studies
- Conclusions
Total pages: 88