Can experiential learning change your professional life? Robert shaps

How does a beehive fit into a district’s attention to its students needs in the professional world?

How can a trip to China with a return visit from hosts, be organised through a district?

How can students get authentic experience in politics in real time as part of their school hours?

How would your teenager solve the problem of eviction, what message would she want to give and take away from a political rally, what would he plan to do to clean up the local rivers and surrounding areas, how would living in China would heighten her understanding of the shades and subtlies of multi-culturalism? These are only some of the real-life issues the students in the school district of Mamaronek New York work on daily, led by superintendent extraordinnaire Robert Shaps. For those of you who were mesmerised by the first part of my chat with Robert and his verbal illustrations of what makes a school system that works – and I can only imagine it was all of you – you are sooo lucky because there is even more more of how a leader can use his position to make each teacher, each student, each parent, each administrator feel valued and a participant in the positive changes in their educational world. Robert Shaps is currently the superintendent of the Mamaronek Union Free Schools, New York. Some of the programs he has been championing during his 13-year tenure here have been: global citizenship, relevancy in the work force, leadership, authentic learning, multi-culturalism, inclusive bilingualism, and much more. His ideology is largely founded on the studies of Kim Marshall and Harvard Project Zero.

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