What if…you reframed your future?

How often do you complain but do nothing to change the situation…or feel you can change the situation?

How much does envisioning the positive possibilities work?

What upcoming event do you have that you might change simply by asking ‘What if…’?

There is so much negativity in the world, in people’s perspectives on events, on the way news is offered to us, in the way so many people choose to complain about situations they are not happy about, but do nothing to change. One thing we can do, is use these fantastic ‘What if’ questions to change our own situations. And maybe even for the people around us. est that I deserve a raise?  If you give a positive spin on the upcoming event, you begin thinking about what you’ll say in this positive scenario, what you’ll wear, how you’ll look the other person in the eye more directly, how you’ll search for words ahead of time that will further the positive outcome, how you’ll walk into the room with your head high, pour out positive energy in your body towards the other person or people in the situation. In other words, you’ll be living the event in advance and making it more likely to happen in this positive light.

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