dyslexia is my super power! Julie Hundley

What do you think the biggest challenge is REALLY for a student with dyslexia?

What happened that convinced Julie that her neural divergence is a Super Power?

What can educators do to make a student with dyslexia feel more secure in a main stream class?

If you’ve lived with dyslexia, you can see it as a curse or you can see it as a challenge. Julie Hundley takes it one step further: she sees it as her super power!! There aren’t many opportunities we have as educators to hear from our students’ own mouths what helped them and hindered them in their schooling. We can learn so much from their experiences, and Julie is here to offer her journey, hoping that it will help other children, young adults, parents and teachers to have realistic but positive expectations in living, working with, being an advocate for, facilitating, a child with dyslexia. This is a fascinating and informative conversation with a young adult who remembers still, and is still compensating for neural challenges.

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You can find more conversations like this one at ⁠⁠Doorways to Learning with Donna

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