Emotional Health in the Learning Environment: Your Toolkit for Success Lessons 1A & 1B
What is the Affective Domain? Why do we need to know anything about it?
Well, it turns out that if we don’t make the Affective Domain a priority when we are planning our projects, a lot of our other planning becomes much less effective. That’s why, in a whole course of PhBL, we begin with the Affective Domain.
I am going to show you WHAT it is, WHY it’s so important to focus on it, and HOW to transform your learning environment into one with a strong Affective domain in which students feel safe, cared about, seen, heard and valued so that they not only learn, but they can’t wait to come to school to learn more every day!!! How does that sound to begin charging from the gate!!! I’m so excited to share these strategies with you!
You can spend hours designing a project that will engage and ignite the interest in your students, and then watch it go nowhere because they don’t feel emotionally safe – for reasons you now can anticipate and plan for.
Once you're finished with this lesson, you'll know the biology behind The Affective Domain. In lessons 2, 3, and 4, you'll have the opportunity to take a good look at nine triggers that are most common in the classroom that weaken the Affective Domain, and most importantly - concrete activities to counteract them so you can create a powerfully strong Affective Domain, which leads to a powerfully effective Phenomenon-Based Learning project - or any other lesson you're planning.
Find the scaffold for this lesson here.
Find the activity for this lesson here.
Find the formative assessment for this lesson here.
Find possible answers to these activities here.
Find the transcript for the videos here.
- 1 Section
- 2 Lessons
- 2h Duration
The Affective Domain: Lessons 1A & 1B
- The Affective Domain Lesson 1A
- The Affective Domain: Lesson 1B