Doorways to learning video clip: Katie & Ana Farinas: What Question should you always ask your child?

Here is a powerful 0.5o second clip of Katie & Ana Farina’s chat at Doorways to Learning with Donna. Full episode can be heard here.

What is the question you need to always ask you child even if they never answer?

Who do we trust more – our child’s therapist or ourselves?

It’s estimated that one in seven adolescents experience mental health disorders This amounts to approximately 166 million adolescents globally. Human nature is such that when we hear statistics, we are at a loss to connect empathetically – just too many numbers and too many large numbers. Just for this reason, I’m putting a voice to this phenomenon in this episode. The incredible mother-daughter team Katie Farinas and 14-year-old Ana are here to talk about the struggles of mental health issue – why it took them so long to recognise the symptoms, how they had to search for solutions themselves, and most importantly – what teachers and parents can do to relieve other teenagers who are suffering from this so often invisible and incapacitating crisis they are living with. Katie is going to share what it was like for a mother to watch her daughter change before her eyes, and from Ana, what it’s like to try to function in and outside of school with debilitating anxiety. This conversation is going to change your life in that you’re going to understand so much more clearly why we need to intentionally address emotional health first because if not, the message our children are getting – whether we mean it or not – is that our agenda is all that really matters while they’re drowning in an incomprehensible loop.

Katie Farinas’ Podcast: Mother on the Verge

Want fun facts about our guests? Little-known information about this topic? Find out all of it ⁠⁠⁠HERE⁠⁠⁠!!
You can find more conversations like this one at ⁠⁠Doorways to Learning with Donna
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