Dani Griffin: Unlocking Language Learning with the Power of Music and Movement

How would you prepare for the greatest language concert your school had every given?

What would you do with musical genius oozing out of every pore of your body?

If you were a certified international rock star, why would you give language concerts to Primary students?

You’ve always wanted to know how to infuse the magic of music and movement into your language lessons, right? You’ve been looking for creative ways to engage your students while teaching a new language, true? Meet Daniel Griffin, your go-to expert for seamlessly blending music, movement, and the arts into your language learning curriculum.
In this inspiring discussion, Daniel shares his passion for the transformative power of music and movement in the classroom. Discover how he effortlessly weaves these elements into his lessons, making language learning an unforgettable experience.
Prepare to be inspired as Daniel discusses the joy of connecting with students through the universal language of music and the thrill of rocking out with them during his concerts.
Don’t miss this opportunity to explore innovative teaching methods and connect with Daniel to enhance your language lessons. Join us for a dynamic conversation that will reignite your passion for teaching and learning through music and movement

Activities to use this podcast in your language classes:

  1. Dani talks about the different musical genres he uses in his music and the fact that he has no special genre – he immerses himself in each one and takes advantage of the beauty of diversity to inspire himself and his listeners. Choose 10 of his songs from his website (https://www.dancingenglish.com/) and ask students to identify different instruments, to stand up and make rhythm visible, and to choose three (3) of the songs they like best simply for the music. (They don’t need to express any understanding of the lyrics.)
  2. Dani’s music is written to encourage students to acquire language, which means soaking in English naturally in their minds, their vocal chords and their bodies. Choose one of Dani’s songs and ask students to close their eyes and listen to the song three times. At the end of each ending, ask them to open their eyes and write down all the words they remember from the song. Give them 60 seconds to share those words with their group members, and then close their eyes and repeat the activity. After the third time, ask the groups to write the lyrics as well as they can and then listen one more time and see how accurate they were. No corrections, just fun!
  3. One of the reasons for the success of Dani’s school concerts is the preparation teachers do beforehand. To test out whether the suggestions Dani gives for this preparation is useful, a) choose two songs from the website (https://www.dancingenglish.com/), b) play one of the songs and ask students to write down what they believe the song was about, c) use one of Dani’s preparatory exercises (you’ll find on the website) before playing the second song, and ask them to do the same after listening. What is the difference? Would your students be more interactive with the music after they do his preparatory exercises or without them?

Music: Daniel Griffin, Dancing English https://www.dancingenglish.com/

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You can find more conversations like this one at ⁠⁠Doorways to Learning with Donna

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