A bilingual program attracting families from across the globe, Robert Shaps

When has a superintendent EVER answered her own phone?

How much does a superintendent’s ideology play into the decisions he makes?

How can a leader make sure that every single student is considered in district changes?

When has a superintendent EVER answered her own phone? Isn’t that what her secretary is supposed to do? If I tell you that Robert Shaps superintendent of the renown coastal district of New York – answers his own phone – as busy as he is and with a mind-boggling daily agenda that he keeps, it is going to give you your first inkling of what type of person and what type of administrator he is.

Robert Shaps is currently the superintendent of the Mamaronek Union Free Schools, New York. Some of the programs he has been championing during his 13-year tenure here have been: global citizenship, relevancy in the work force, leadership, authentic learning, multi-culturalism, inclusive bilingualism, and much more. His ideology is largely founded on the studies of Kim Marshall and Harvard Project Zero.

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