You caught a beauty!!!
Download PDF of scaffold here.
Winter is the time of celebrations of light and a wonderful opportunity to teach our young students about these celebrations all over the world. Through comic strips, this scaffold will help students to recognise the multi-cultural holidays historically created to help vanquish the fear surrounding the short days of the months (in the northern hemisphere) clil WINTER HOLIDAYS COIMC STRIPS
Give the students a template of a comic strip, clipart of representations of six ways people have celebrated the cold, dark days of winter during these months, give them verbal clues as to each celebration, and watch them make their own comic strips.

- Give each student a copy of the comic strip template – with or without the names of the holidays included. (For younger students, you can include the names. For older students, you can write the names on the board and have them copy them onto their template. They don’t all have to be in the same order.)
- Give each student clip art of the six types of celebrations of the winter months in the northern hemisphere.
- With a model of the globe, you can give a brief explanation of why the days are shorter in the northern hemisphere in the winter and longer in the southern hemisphere. You can talk about how students feel when it’s dark outside, how they feel about the light of the sun, the significance of the sun on the planet, etc. This is an important opportunity to address both affective and physical factors of the winter months.
- Write the names of the winter celebrations where all the students can see them, point to them one by one and and give brief descriptions of each. Students look at their clipart, identify which celebration you are referring to, and stick that clipart to the appropriate frame. (For older students, you can encourage them to draw in figures of people in each frame, to make them more personal.)
Possible descriptions of the six winter celebrations representd in this activity:
The winter celebration I’m pointing to has firewood, a fire, and a string of wheat above the fire.
The winter celebration I’m pointing to has three colours of fireworks.
The winter celebration I’m pointing to has green leaves, white flowers, two bells, and a red ribbon.
The winter celebration I’m pointing to has nine candles and a small toy that’s called a dreidel.
The winter celebration I’m pointing to has seven candles and is surrounded by bananas, oranges, apples, grapes and corn.
The winter celebration I’m pointing to has a tree with different coloured balls and a red star on the top.
See A Similar Lesson For Primary.
See This Site For Other Activities On Winter Holidays.
Information on Winter CelebrationsWord – Winter Celebrations TemplatePDF – Winter Celebrations Template is your entryway into DYNAMIC bilingual learning methodologies, such as Phenomenon-Based Learning, CLIL, EMI, and ESL. You’ll find ways to implement critical thinking tools (DOK) to promote higher level thinking, the growth mindset, instill an ethic of excellence, deep reflection on learning, and all through multi-cultural, interdisciplinary activities. We have the keys to turning competences into action and to creating collective efficacy in your school so you move ahead as a unified, enthusiastic team.