You caught a beauty!!!
Download PDF of scaffold here.
Forget food for the moment! Let’s get to the core of the holiday: assessing the year. Give your students the opportunity to develop their emotional intelligence and move forward proactively. This scaffold can be introduced any time, but it’s especially appropriate at Thanksgiving. Help your students to see the rainbow in the ashes by first asking them to make a list of five not-so-great things that happened to them during the year, then flipping it all on its head by asking them to begin five new sentences with ‘However, the positive side is that if this hadn’t happened….’. Watch the magic happen!thanksgiving rainbow ashes
This scaffold also offers writing opportunities – a skill that is often difficult to fit into lessons holistically. Furthermore, it gives students a meaningful reason to use the third conditional and so will focus on it more closely to make sure they express themselves clearly. CLIL rainbow ashes
- Give your students examples (see PDF below) of not-so-great-things that happened to students their ages in other schools (projected onto the screen, read aloud).
- Students write five of their own not-so-great events on the handout (see PDF below).
- Next, show students the rainbow in the ashes – how they could find the positive side in each of the events they read about before from other students. They begin five new sentences with: ‘However, the postive side is that if this hadn’t happened…’
- Students share their sentences with each other (if you feel this is appropriate).
- Ask them how the exercise might help them see their future. They write down comments and share these comments as well.
(Memes with positive messages your students might like.)

Examples Of Worksheet And Negative And Positive Sides Of Events is your entryway into DYNAMIC bilingual learning methodologies, such as Phenomenon-Based Learning, CLIL, EMI, and ESL. You’ll find ways to implement critical thinking tools (DOK) to promote higher level thinking, the growth mindset, instill an ethic of excellence, deep reflection on learning, and all through multi-cultural, interdisciplinary activities. We have the keys to turning competences into action and to creating collective efficacy in your school so you move ahead as a unified, enthusiastic team.