Scaffolding by Sequencing Key Information (Secondary)


This is the perfect activity for any text, story, video, laboratory experiment, sports competition, musical composition, preparation of art materials, etc. is an essential skill for students. Get your students talking about the sequence of events with the steps given here that give the activity SPARKS, and you are going to see some happy students with a lot deeper knowledge of whatever unit you’re beginning.

Sequencing? Easy! Alright – then let’s make it verbal, more sophisticated,  include critical thinking, negotiation, images…and, yes – in higher education – FUN!  Sequencing is an integral part of Pre-school and Lower-Primary school lessons, but it is often forgotten in higher grades. We need to intentionally give our students the opportunities to be able to recognise and express sequences, and we need to provide the phrases they can use to clarify the ordering of events. Here are the steps to do it in a lively, collaborative way that will introduce key information so the rest of the lesson goes fluidly.