Scaffolding Classic Literature 4: Organise Facts and Feelings Graphically (Secondary)


Classic literature endures usually because of the emotional connection we have to the characters. So let’s use that and show students how the players in these stories written 100s of years ago, actually have a lot in common with many of the influencers they follow in social media. How do we do that? Let’s graph it out. Download the template and get started. Read the simple steps to make it interactive and full of agency for your students, and you’re a hero in your own classroom!!!

Graphic organisers are key to not only guide students in following complicated twists and turns of plot, but to make connections between characters, events, scenes, lulls in the story and the highs. There is no downside to this scaffolding activity. The graph encourages the students to pay attention to personalities and actions so they can make connections to them and people in their own lives – a key in engaging our students.