Scaffolding with Intentional Errors (Higher Education)


The brain sparks and grows when we make mistakes – even if we are not aware of it – because it is a time of struggle; the brain is challenged, and so this is when it grows the most.* Errors need to be celebrated in our classroom; we need to help our students to embrace the effort they make in their studies and focus on mistakes and successes alike, and not only the outcomes.



The way to engage your student is to challenge them with information that is surprisingly incorrect. Once they begin studying an example you give them of an equation, instructions to an experiment, a theological argument that makes little sense, you have their attention. Here are examples of ways you can easily include this scaffolding technique to any unit you are about to begin, with a complete Mini-Lesson to follow to include the formative assessment as well, assuring that you and your students have acquired new knowledge.