You caught a beauty!!!




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theory behind scaffold…

Knowing the sequence of events in a story (in a book or in a video) is an important skill for young learners – in any language. In their first years of schooling, we need to specifically give our students the opportunities t…………………………………………………………………………so that the dynamic comes naturally to them later on in life.

Children´s days are full of sequences; a normal sequencing routine in the morning would be that they get out of bed, brush their teeth, and then eat breakfast. Young learners need to understand that order has importance and then they need to learn and practice u………………………………………………………… – in real life and in stories. Scaffolding helps to initiate this dynamic even before our students can recognise the written words. In this activity, we´ll use a story from the popular children series ´……………………………………………. can assess whether your students can assimilate more.

  1. ………………………………………………………………… Print them on large paper or copy them to slides to project them on in the classroom. Place them …………………………………… handout to pairs of students. (If you are going to show a video you can do ‘Capture Screen’ to get the images to use for this activity.)
  2. Print or write the s…………………………………………… (‘first’, ‘next’ and ‘afterwards’.)
  3. In a class circle, …………………………………………… have modelled the two parts, choose students to practice the activity in front of the rest of the class.

Example Part I:

Student 1: I see Maisy. Maisy is waving.
Student 2: I see a black cat. Maisy is petting the cat.
Student 3: I see a horse. Maisy is looking at the horse.

Example Part 2:

Student 1: First, Maisy is waving.
Student 2: Next, Maisy is petting the cat.
Student 3: Afterwards, Maisy is looking at a horse.

 (Dare to believe that your students can do this and they will. Our students will reach our expectations of them.*)

  1. Afterwards, give the students the ………………………………… using the three key words: ‘first’, ‘next’ and ‘afterwards’. 

Formative assessment: Project the images …………………………………r and ask pairs of students to sequence them, using the three key phrases they’ve been practicing..

  1. Read the story or watch the video together.
  2. Reflection: Ask students if it helped to …………………………………

*Becoming a High Expectations Teacher

video explanation of scaffold… is your entryway into DYNAMIC bilingual learning methodologies, such as Phenomenon-Based Learning, CLIL, EMI, and ESL. You’ll find ways to implement critical thinking tools (DOK) to promote higher level thinking, the growth mindset, instill an ethic of excellence, deep reflection on learning, and all through multi-cultural, interdisciplinary activities. We have the keys to turning competences into action and to creating collective efficacy in your school so you move ahead as a unified, enthusiastic team.