You caught a beauty!!!
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Language awareness is important for language learners at any age. This does not mean that we need to isolate grammar teaching, but rather intentionally incorporate and reinforce appropriate grammatical structures in content classes. As educators, we need to draw student attention to key terms, phraseology, language patterns and grammatical conventions that our young students can use to feel confident and successful in speaking languages that are different than their home language(s).* Even in pre-school, students will assimilate and be able to interact with information more readily if they are schooled in language and communication awareness at the same time.
This scaffold is one way of addressing this challenge. The activity will help your students to understand the different elements of a sentence in a cooperative, verbal and kinesthetic context. The example we give below is from a natural science class on types of animals. You’ll see how you can adapt it easily to whatever lesson you’re planning.
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Download Scaffold in PDF is your entryway into DYNAMIC bilingual learning methodologies, such as Phenomenon-Based Learning, CLIL, EMI, and ESL. You’ll find ways to implement critical thinking tools (DOK) to promote higher level thinking, the growth mindset, instill an ethic of excellence, deep reflection on learning, and all through multi-cultural, interdisciplinary activities. We have the keys to turning competences into action and to creating collective efficacy in your school so you move ahead as a unified, enthusiastic team.