Download Chapter 2 – a sample of Fairy Tale flip’s ‘know yourself through fairy tales’ journal print it out know yourself through this fantastic fairy tale by hans christian andersen and intriguing questions that spring from it. Click here to download your sample chapter and please give us feedback here.
Do you believe physcial ailments reflect inner turmoil? Can you define the Affective Domain in one sentence? how can swollen fingers indicate lack of a healthy environment? How many of you believe that physical problems are indications of an emotional, internal conflict? The very word ‘disease’ explains this concept perfectly. When we separate the prefix […]
When should we use technology in. the classroom? What are some. of the best programs for language learning? What are we eliminating when we include technology in a lesson? Russell Stannard is the founder of and winner of four awards in educational technology. He’s ranked as no less than one of top 20 educational […]
Why would a huge company like Boeing want to partner with my students? STEAM lessons in an after-school program? A bit too ambitious? How can I combat the eternal dilemma of summer learning loss? Listen to full episode here. You’ll find the answers to these questions and so many more in this episode. Get ready […]