Paid Membership Secondary Scaffolds

These are for people who have paid for the yearly membership and have access to all scaffolds. This is specifically for Secondary scaffolds.

Scaffolding Academic Language with Graphic Organisers (Secondary)

You caught a beauty!!! ************ ************ ************ Download PDF of scaffold here. Download PDF of scaffold here. theory behind scaffold… One very effective way that students can master academic language is by creating graphic organisers such as a Frayer model, Word Splashes, or Anchor Charts. A graphic organiser is a visual display that demonstrates relationships between words, facts,

Scaffolding Academic Language with Graphic Organisers (Secondary) Read More »

Scaffolding Halloween

You caught a beauty!!! ************ ************ ************ Download PDF of scaffold here. Writing is often the most difficult skill for English learners to master. The difficulty lies not only in generating and organising ideas, but also in translating these ideas into readable text. The basic steps are: planning, drafting, revising, and editing. You can use

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Scaffolding through Different Learning Styles

You caught a beauty!!! ************ ************ ************ Download PDF of scaffold here. The importance placed on different intelligences is tied to social values. A capitalistic society values linguistic-verbal and  mathematical-logical intelligences. A more communal society would place more value on interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligences. In the same respect, the values highlighted in different cultures dictate

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Scaffolding Videos and Text with Mini-Books (Secondary)

You caught a beauty!!! ************ ************ ************ Download PDF of scaffold here. Download PDF of scaffold here. theory behind scaffold… Scaffolding videos is essential. Many teachers use videos to introduce new material but forget that we need to introduce key academic language, concepts, connections beforehand, just as if we were about to begin speaking. Many

Scaffolding Videos and Text with Mini-Books (Secondary) Read More »