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Scaffolding with Venn Diagrams

You caught a beauty!!! ************ ************ ************ Download PDF of scaffold here. Creating and using concept maps tends to have a high positive impact on student achievement.* Concept maps (graphic organisers) help students to see how various pieces of knowledge relate to one another. It helps structure their thinking. ** Venn diagrams are one type […]

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Scaffolding Instructions

You caught a beauty!!! ************ ************ ************ Download PDF of scaffold here. ‘I knew I was going to fail when I didn’t even understand the instructions on the exam.’ So said one student after, indeed, failing an exam that she had studied faithfully for. Instructions on exams, worksheets, laboratory reports, etc., are more confusing and

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Scaffolding Text with Dramatic Dialog

You caught a beauty!!! ************ ************ ************ Download PDF of scaffold here. The use of drama techniques and activities is one of the most effective means of helping students to deepen their retention and understanding of new information.  The stress of the activities is to involve the mind, body and voice in manifesting both abstract

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Scaffolding New Information by Considering the Ludicrous (Higher Education)

You caught a beauty!!! ************ ************ ************ Download PDF of scaffold here. Download PDF of scaffold here. theory behind the scaffolding… The use of textbooks is a controversial topic in education. Do they benefit or constrict our teaching? The studies show that they can do either, depending on how they are written and how we

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Scaffolding Videos with Mini-Books

You caught a beauty!!! ************ ************ ************ Download PDF of scaffold here. Scaffolding videos is crucial. Many professors use videos to introduce new material, but without scaffolding, the dynamics is the same as giving a direct-teaching lesson/lecture: the students sit passively listening with little or no interaction. Many times, we think an effective scaffold of

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