Preview Scaffolds Pre-School/Lower Primary

These are scaffolds that work well with young learners.

Scaffolding Texts through Verbal Deliberation (Pre-School/lower primary)

You caught a beauty!!! ************ ************ ************ Download PDF of scaffold here. theory behind scaffold… Language is the most powerful, most readily available tool we have for representing the world to ourselves and ourselves to the world.* Up until three years of age, c…………..* Presenting activities that give them the opportunity to verbalise what they

Scaffolding Texts through Verbal Deliberation (Pre-School/lower primary) Read More »

Scaffolding New Information through Reverse Psychology (Pre-School)

You caught a beauty!!! ************ ************ ************ Download PDF of scaffold here. Download PDF of scaffold here. theory behind scaffold… The use of textbooks is a controversial topic in education. Especially at pre-school level. Are textbooks necessary for young learners? Do they benefit or constrict learning? Do offering structure to the school year or are

Scaffolding New Information through Reverse Psychology (Pre-School) Read More »

Scaffolding with Venn Diagrams

You caught a beauty!!! ************ ************ ************ Download PDF of scaffold here. Creating and using concept maps tends to have a high positive impact on student achievement.* Concept maps (graphic organisers) help students to see how various pieces of knowledge relate to one another. It helps structure their thinking. ** Venn diagrams are one type

Scaffolding with Venn Diagrams Read More »