Scaffolding Classic Literature through Art (Secondary)


This is going to rock your students’ world!!! Art work, drawing, colloquial language, guessing – not having to have a ‘correct’ answers. All of this and more to understand the deep messages behind (in this case) Greek myths. Partnering text with art is one of the most effective ways of assimilating new knowledge. Here are the steps to create an unbeatable combination of varied learning styles, the processing of information in many different forms, the negotiation of meaning and acceptance (or not) of the conclusions of classmates, and finally a great willingness to begin reading extremely challenging stories. Not to be missed!


You are about to begin a classic. You absolutely love the story, and yet you know that reading it – the language, the content, the concepts – is going to challenge your students. How can you make this classic more accessible to your students? Here’s how. Partner the text with artwork  so your students process the concepts first by studying the artwork, they write colloquial explanations underneath to give some context, and then – and only then – they begin reading the authentic text. Sound simple? IT IS!!! Here are the steps to create a fantastically interactive dynamic, strengthened with varied learning styles, so that your students won’t even realising they end up reading ancient English. To further the excellence (pun intended, in the best practices of the Ethic of Excellence) of this structure, they’re going to exchange partners to further sharing different perspectives of choices. .